UK facing scorching 'heat dome' with the chance of a 40C hot weather - Welcome to Ezemuoka's Blog


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Tuesday 27 June 2023

UK facing scorching 'heat dome' with the chance of a 40C hot weather

UK facing scorching

A 'heat dome' is on the way to the UK this summer as Brits will be facing the prospect of 40C in a matter of just weeks.


Mirror reported that a number of heatwaves are expected in late July and August, which are typically the hottest periods of the year in the UK. The effects of the global El Nino phenomenon is likely to make 2023 another scorcher.


British Weather Services' senior meteorological consultant Jim Dale who noted that global temperatures are breaking records, further stated that they are likely to continue breaking records owing to the Pacific Ocean cyclical warming.


In the UK, he said there's "every chance" they'll beat this year's previous high temperature of 32.2C as they progress into summer. There's everything to play for, he added, and revealed the most likely time for another 40C sizzler.


He said;


"The heat is not all over yet. It is for now - we've got two weeks of general temperate weather coming.

"But we've still got the rest of July, and then we go into the traditional hottest spell of the year - the first two weeks of August.

"With an El Nino starting to get the ball rolling, as far as the global effects are concerned, it could mean we go back into a heat dome again just as we go into those six to eight weeks of August and end of July.

"We could easily get those heat spikes again from North Africa. There's every chance of beating the 32.2C from earlier this year; that would be a good peak in any normal year.

"But there's also every chance we'll break the 35C mark in the second week of July and August. That's a 50/50 chance.

“The 40C degrees is more likely in August than in July. But there's everything to play for as far as the summer is concerned.”


There are also huge spikes in temperatures across the world at the moment, Jim added. Spain, Texas, the Far East, the Middle East and North Africa are all enduring excruciating heatwaves currently, he said.


Countries that typically have their winter seasons in July and August are still experiencing "silly temperatures", with some regions seeing 30C overnight.


The Met Office confirmed that Sunday was the hottest day of the year so far in the UK. The mercury soared to 32.3C in Lincolnshire in the afternoon, which matched temperatures from earlier in the month. Temperatures also matched those of Mediterranean holiday hotspots over the weekend, it added.