Footballer Greg Halford throws out belongings of 'cheating ex' - Welcome to Ezemuoka's Blog


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Monday 23 January 2023

Footballer Greg Halford throws out belongings of 'cheating ex'

Footballer Greg Halford throws out belongings of

Footballer Greg Halford has posted a video showing his ''ex's belongings'' being thrown out a window after claiming she ''cheated on him.''

In a video shared to Twitter, Halford is seen tossing boxes out of the top floor window of his house and they landed in a pile next to a child's BMX bike below.


The boxes are emblazoned with logos from 350 (Yeezy) and Nike.


"Been far far to long but finally clearing out the cheating c**t ex stuff," he captioned the video.


Footballer Greg Halford throws out belongings of


Because of his caption, many assumed he was talking about a woman and fans and former teammates replied to ask if he is OK.

But it appears he was referring to the brands.


The former Premier League star previously spoke of his love for the Yeezy brand, calling them "beauts" and saying he is "slightly addicted" to them.


The footballer was seemingly severing his relationship with the brands in the video, not with a cheating partner as many assumed.