Man Bites Passenger, Then Drops Dead On Board Of Plane - Welcome to Ezemuoka's Blog


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Tuesday 20 October 2015

Man Bites Passenger, Then Drops Dead On Board Of Plane

 John Kennedy Santos Gurjao has passed out and died on board of an Aer Lingus plane

A 24-year-old man has died after biting another passenger during a flight from Lisbon to Dublin on Sunday, October 18.
John Kennedy Santos Gurjao has passed out and died on board of an Aer Lingus plane after he became agitatedbit a man trying to help him and was restrained by flight attendants and passengers. 
While a doctor and nurse on board were trying to resuscitate the young man, the captain diverted to Cork Airport, declaring a medical emergency. Unfortunately Mr Gurjao was pronounced dead on the plane.

He is belived to have a seizure after nearly 1kg of cocaine in 80 pellets was found in his stomach. A 44-year-old woman he was travelling with was arrested under the Drug Trafficking Act after police found amphetamine in her luggage.

air lingus 
John Leonard, a passenger on the flight, said: “There was a lot of commotion and cabin crew rushed to the back of the plane. The guy had to be restrained and after that, it got worse. 
He was on the ground shaking violently. The noise he was making was something I’ve never heard before. It was like a deep anguish… very, very troubled, very guttural, from deep within him.”
The bitten passenger was admitted to a Cork hospital, while the other 167 passengers and crew memebres were interviewed by Ireland’s police force, known as the Gardai. The incident is under investigation.