Why I Choose Polygamous Family - 9ice
In an exclusive interview with Naij.com, Alapomeji Records boss, 9ice (real name: Abolore Akande) talked about his foray into politics, the proposed Coded Tunes Reunion concert and his current relationship with ex-wife, Toni Payne and their son, Zion.
Naij.com: What prompted you into politics, service or financial gain?
9ice: For me, what prompted most of the politicians or let me say moneyticians into politics is financial gain, but what prompted me into politics is service. I am one of those ready to serve the people even without being paid a salary. When you are willing to serve the people it does not have to be about money, it has to be based on selfless service. You want to see your community grow from strength to strength, you want to see families live a better life believing you can take the community you want to serve from one level they are to another level by rendering your own service. So it is not about monetary gains for me.